SD-WAN Command Cheat Sheet
Here’s a cheat sheet with some common commands used in SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Network) environments:
General Commands:
show version: Displays the software version and hardware information.
show running-config: Shows the running configuration of the SD-WAN device.
show interfaces: Provides information about the interfaces on the SD-WAN device.
show controllers: Displays information about the controllers configured on the device.
show vpn: Shows the VPN (Virtual Private Network) configuration and status.
show routes: Displays the routing table and routes learned by the SD-WAN device.
Configuration Commands:
configure terminal: Enters the configuration mode.
interface <interface_name>: Configures settings for a specific interface.
tunnel-interface <tunnel_interface_name>: Configures settings for a tunnel interface.controller <controller_name>: Configures a controller for the SD-WAN device.
vpn <vpn_name>: Enters the VPN configuration mode.
route <destination_network> <next_hop>: Configures a static route.
Monitoring and Troubleshooting Commands:
ping <destination_ip>: Sends ICMP echo requests to test network connectivity.
traceroute <destination_ip>: Traces the route to a destination IP address.
show statistics: Provides statistical information about traffic flows, interface utilization, and other network statistics.
show alarms: Displays any active alarms or alerts on the SD-WAN device.
show events: Shows a log of events and actions on the device.
debug <debug_command>: Enables debugging for a specific feature or component.
Security and Authentication Commands:
enable password <password>: Sets the enable password for accessing privileged mode.
username <username> password <password>: Configures a username and password for authentication.
enable secret <password>: Sets the encrypted password for privileged mode access.
Note: The specific commands and syntax may vary depending on the SD-WAN platform and vendor you are using. It’s always recommended to refer to the official documentation and vendor-specific guides for accurate and up-to-date command information.
Please note that executing commands on network devices should be done with caution, and it’s advisable to have a good understanding of the command’s purpose and potential impact before applying them to a production environment.